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The Wonder Woman suit is a costume worn by Diana of Themyscira.

1st Generation[]

When Diana first started out, she sported an all-white ensemble. A white top, under a white jacket and white pants. It also included white leather boots and a black belt. On her wrists, she had two large bracelets.

2nd Generation[]

Diana's second outfit was a battle armor originally worn by her mother. It consisted of a dark red top with a silver eagle emblem on the chest. Silver belt and silver tiara, which both sported a ruby star. Under the extension of the top were dark red culottes, under a blue-black star-spangled armored skirt. Over the right arm was a dark red shoulder armor, with silver details. The outfit also included dark red thigh boots with silver details. Diana continued wearing the large bracelets on her wrists.

3rd Generation[]

Within a few months, Diana acquired an updated suit. While most details were the same, this new suit got rid of the armor that was previously covering the entire right arm. Though, the suit kept some armor over the actual shoulder.



Lois Lane cosplaying as an unnamed "Amazon".

  • In the Season Nine episode Warrior, there are several female cosplayers (including Lois Lane) wearing costumes resembling the Wonder Woman suit at a comic book convention. The context of these costumes is unclear, as Diana does not become Wonder Woman (or wear the suit) until the events of Olympus in Season Eleven. However, in Olympus, Hippolyta (who had spent some time living in the United States) is shown wearing the suit, when Clark Kent finds her held captive by the D.E.O. In some versions of the comics, Hippolyta has a stint as Wonder Woman before Diana.