Smallville Wiki

Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.

Known Residents[]

Current Residents[]

Former Residents[]

Season One[]

When Cassandra Carver touched Lex Luthor, she had a horrific vision of Lex in the White House. He was President of the United States, and murdered everyone in the world.[3]

Season Four[]

When Lex Luthor was infected by a toxin, showing him his greatest fear, he had a nightmare seemingly identical to the vision of Cassandra Carver's.[4]

Season Six[]

After becoming a United States Senator (following the murder of Senator Ed Burke), Martha Kent moved to Washington.[5]

Season Seven[]

Kara Kent found her way to Washington, in her quest for the Blue crystal.[6]

Season Nine[]

Basqat was in Washington and burned the crest for the House of Zod into the Washington Monument. Stargirl went to Washington looking for the Kandorians, but could not find any sign of them.[7]

Season Ten[]

Wanting to protect Conner Kent from Lionel Luthor, Clark Kent had Conner sent to live with Martha in Washington.[8]

Season Eleven[]

After Martha Kent was rescued by Diana of Themyscira, her son and Lois Lane went to Washington.[2]


In the Comics[]

Washington, D.C. has many times been the base of operations for Wonder Woman. On occasion, Washington has also been the base of operations for the Justice Society of America.

