Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki

TwilightReaderFan TwilightReaderFan 7 November 2014

Comment Section

Okay... I've said this before. I know I'll probably be ignored (as usual). This place needs a danged comment section beneath the articles and bio's. Almost EVERY Wiki that I know of has a comment section. Why doesn't this wiki have one? Smallville was an extremely popular series... with devoted fans. It would be nice if we could comment on our favorite heroes... or villains. It would be great to make comments about our favorite episodes... what we liked about them. Or even our least favorite episodes... even what we least liked about them. The bio's and articles are very interesting at this Wiki, but there's no way to comment... unless you create a blog or something. When I go to other Wiki's, I always read the latest comments. They're int…

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TwilightReaderFan TwilightReaderFan 14 August 2014

HELP-With Siren

Does anybody know where I can view SIREN online? I've watched almost the entire series at a site, but SIREN was not posted. Hope somebody can help. Thanks! :)

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TwilightReaderFan TwilightReaderFan 12 August 2014

Robin Williams

It's with MUCH sadness that I discovered that Robin Williams passed away today. Robin Williams was not only a brilliant comedian, but a dear and good friend to Christopher Reeve. After Reeve's accident, he became terribly depressed and fought to persevere. Then one day a doctor came in dressed in yellow and blue scrubs and announced, "I'm here to perform your rectal exam." The doctor was really Robin Williams in disguise. Reeve never forgot that day... and how at his utter lowest point, this funny man made him laugh when he was at his worst.

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TwilightReaderFan TwilightReaderFan 12 August 2014

Series Finale

Saw the series finale and have to say it was terrific. Not only was it a great send off for "Smallville," but it was also a great tribute to "Superman - The Movie," made way back in the late 1970's. I thought it wonderful that at the end of the series finale, they showed bumbling Clark Kent crashing into Lois Lane, spilling their papers. The background music during this scene was "Read My Mind" written for the original movie and spoken by Lois Lane (Margot Kidder). The song was later recorded and became an instant hit. I was thrilled that it was played during this particular scene. Then when it's announced at the Dailey Planet that there was a bomb in an elevator... we hear the original score of "Superman" - and when Clark tears his shirt …

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TwilightReaderFan TwilightReaderFan 8 August 2014

Goodbye Lex Luthor

Again... This wiki would be outstanding if it had a comment section. I'm almost finished with Smallville. I'm halfway thru Season 9. Things I like... I like the addition of Lois Lane in the series... she and the Erica Durance are great additions to the cast. Was sad to see Jonathan and Martha written out. I knew that it was kinda necessary, but missed them. But loved the send-off and good-bye the show gave Jonathan. My throat tightened when Martha and Clark watch an old home video with a child Clark and Jonathan riding on the tractor, then it zoomed on Jonathan while he waved, "Bye-bye!" Too touching for words. Loved the intro of Green Arrow. He was never a favorite hero of mine... never knew much about him. Loved the new look and style th…

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