Chloe Sullivan decided to conduct a Smallville Torch poll, in response to Principal Kwan's suggestion that Chloe was out of touch with the pulse of the student body.
Smallville High Torch
Personal Poll
by Chloe Sullivan
What is your deepest desire?
- Grant Davey - to catch the big one (named Cathy)
- Michelle Graff - sail around the world with my man
- Jaye Gruspier - I want to compete with men... sport and totally beat them into the...
- Arlene Craig - to fall in love with a Smallville deputy
- Michael Holm - to fall in love with an exotic woman from a far way...
- Ken Davies - to make...
- Pete Ross - to go make out with that girl right over there
- Lana Lang - to climb the windmill out in Chandler's Field.
- Most of the poll above was taken from the still frame shown above, in which Chloe showed Lana the responses she had collected so far. Some of the handwriting on the clipboard was obscured by Chloe's hand.
Chloe Sullivan in Smallville