Smallville Wiki


  • The Lexana memory takes place after Lana was "forced" to marry him. [1]
  • Well, I (con-el) would disput the above statement, thus:
  • One-it was a memory, and memories are fluid ( you remember something one way, and someone else remembers it another way)
  • Two- 'Lex' knew Clark was in his mind (on a subconcious level) and wanted to hurt him. He combined two memories (the wedding ring, and his and Lanas first 'time' together) to create a picture/'memory' to show Clark.

I'm not really appreciating why it matters.Aridjon (talk) 13:34, June 20, 2014 (UTC)aridjon

What an incoherent opening.[]

Seriously. To this point in the show (I'm marathoning the series), this is easily the most confusing opening 10 minutes of any episode. You're basically lost, and you never really get your footing. You feel as if you've missed an episode that started at least 20 minutes prior to the events of this episode. Sloppy writing.

edited to add

Having now watched the whole thing, this is easily the worst episode of the entire series. In terms of the quality of the direction and the writing, there's no episode anywhere near this one. Even the pair of late season 4 super duds (Ageless and Forever) can't come close. Bad on a scene for scene, shot for shot, music cue for music cue basis. Even the framing of the shots is wrong. It's like a child directed this. Doesn't even feel like a Smallville episode. Full review (covering most of the same bases, but at greater length) is up at IMDb. Atrocious episode.
