Smallville Wiki

Yes, delete the page. I only say this because he appeared in a single episode; generally, we, the wiki, look for the character to appear more than once in order for them to get their own page. Also, not only did he not appear multiple times, but his face wasn't fully shown. -- ImperiexSeed, 8:13 AM, May 7th 2011

I agree. Delete. --S.B.B 05:38, May 8, 2011 (UTC)
So if a character has to appear in more than one episode to make it to the wiki, should all the assorted one-off villians, allies, and Meteor Freaks also get deleted? IF this ep turns out to be the one and only appearance of Grundy (and Manta and Cold) then there's room for an argument for deletion to be made. Still, even if that is the case, I feel that they at least deseve some mention, as it's a cameo appearance for some pretty major characters from the DCU. 17:40, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

I think this page, like the one about Captain Cold and Black Manta will not be deleted. They are important characters from DC Comics and they're at least important that, for example, Wendell Johnson.

I think this page must be at this wiki. I don't know why characters like Neutron, Black Manta, Captain Gold and Solomon Grundy don't deserve and own page. Ok, they don't said anything but these are characters of the DC Universe und that's why they are important. If we don't add them to this wiki, this wiki isn't complete. JimmyOlsen 13:55, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

The fact that he's a DC character is not important here. On Smallville Wiki we go by what's shown or said on screen, and Grundy's role was minimal at best. - BatteryB7 16:52, May 8, 2011 (UTC)
Well, he WAS shown on screen. And I'd hate to think that they've gone through all of the effort with Grundy, Manta, and Cold to not actually use them at all in the finale. Marking them for deletion is jumping the gun big-time in my view. 17:40, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

They were shown on screen. Grundy is Grundy. Everyone knows who he is, do you think that the writers put him in there but wanted people to think he might actually be just someone who happens to look a lot like him? I don't think so. Grundy belongs here. That's who he's suppose to be and that's why we should make the article. I think the writers of the show would agree with me. Considering that's who they're suppose to be. --Noah Tall 04:16, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Same with Captain Cold, Black Manta and Neutron ... they are all DC Characters and I guess every character whos appeard on the show is important at this wiki. JimmyOlsen 08:37, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Eh, well, so much for my "they wouldn't go through the effort not to use them!" theory. Went down in flames along with some of my other hopes for the finale. So, well. It won't do at all to strike ANY mention of Grundy, Cold, or Manta from the wiki, as they were indeed there for that breif moment. I could live with having them listed on the Marionette Ventures page, with links to the DC wikia or some other wiki source for the comic versions of the characters. 00:33, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, I totally agree with that, we should remove their character pages, list them on the organization page, and relink them to other sources like DC Wiki or Wikipedia, as they played such a minute role that it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for them to have their ownb pages. -- ImperiexSeed, 8:38 PM, May15th 2011

I don't think they should be deleted, they are important characters for alot of the members in the Justice League. Plus, ok people lets not lose sight of the wiki. A visitor might search for the page and be redirected to Marrionette Ventures, which would have little information on the characters. Keep the page for the sake of the visitors of the wiki. Nat-Duv, the second to last son of krypton 19:13, May 22, 2011 (UTC)