Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki

up'd the imgs, but cud som1 add catergory screencaps , cos tried doin it but kept getting error. cheers

Clark truly is not Superman yet[]

This episode really made Clark look bad, it is true what Chloe said about Clark not wanting blood on his hands. We can all tell that killing Davis would be doing him a favor then letting him go on like this. Chloe's plan is not going to work. Ether the Phantom Zone or death. another thing that seperates Clark from Superman is that Superman would have handled the situation with Davis better. The first thing that pissed me off was "Chloe believes in second chances, she does'nt really actully have feelings for you." Not only does it sound prejiduce to look at Davis as a monster without the hope of ever being loved, he also sounded preachy like he did not show any form of emotion toward Davis. He was just a monster. I also HATED when Davis looked at Clark as his kryptonian brother and Clark said "I'm sorry Davis I was wrong, we're not brothers." What the F!!!! That's really messed up in so many ways! If Superman really thought that he would say, "I understand how you feel, but this is not right and you know it." i mean you keep stuff like that out of the conversation. Instead of helping he really pushed Davis into action! I felt very sympothetic toward Davis, anyway, Clark got ways to go.