Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki
Title Running Time Clark Chloe Lois Oliver Tess Zod
Savior 41m, 18s 11m, 3s 10m, 18s 13m, 50s 3m, 41s 7m, 17s 7m, 20s
Metallo 41m, 27s 16m, 52s 9m, 36s 20m, 18s 4m, 53s
Rabid 42m, 20s 24m, 25s 5m, 55s 16m, 24s 8m, 19s 3m, 09s 3m, 35s
Echo 42m, 19s 25m, 27s 4m, 10s 12m, 27s 15m, 20s 6m, 51s
Roulette 42m, 12s 12m, 03s 6m, 20s 14m, 08s 29m, 12s
Crossfire 42m, 09s 17m, 05s 4m, 50s 19m, 00s 14m, 33s 5m, 45s 4m, 38s
Kandor 42m, 24s 13m, 02s 7m, 56s 6m, 54s 8m, 50s 18m, 14s
Idol 42m, 05s 23m, 17s 5m, 50s 26m, 50s
Pandora 42m, 23s 19m, 41s 11m, 50s 25m, 17s 10m, 17s 9m, 57s 10m, 09s
Disciple 42m, 18s 16m, 22s 8m, 32s 11m, 00s 12m, 07s 8m, 52s
Absolute Justice 83m, 25s 35m, 21s 26m, 52s 8m, 38s 17m, 41s 3m, 07s
Warrior 42m, 18s 22m, 19s 15m, 00s 11m, 05s 2m, 37s
Persuasion 42m, 17s 28m, 54s 8m, 00s 16m, 30s 8m, 12s 12m, 11s
Conspiracy 42m, 18s 16m, 28s 4m, 01s 12m, 07s 5m, 21s 2m, 01s 15m, 04s
Escape 42m, 17s 19m, 27s 17m, 26s 14m, 32s 9m, 57s 6m, 50s 8m, 24s
Checkmate 42m, 17s 12m, 23s 9m, 45s 14m, 11s 16m, 05s
Upgrade 42m, 17s 19m, 06s 10m, 00s 14m, 00s 7m, 09s 16m, 07s
Charade 42m, 19s 26m, 47s 11m, 20s 23m, 05s 2m, 06s
Sacrifice 42m, 20s 11m, 56s 15m, 36s 5m, 41s 12m, 08s 11m, 33s
Hostage 42m, 18s 21m, 10s 5m, 13s 19m, 19s 1m, 44s 5m, 32s
Salvation 42m, 11s 20m, 40s 9m, 19s 11m, 51s 7m, 54s 4m, 15s 15m, 29s
Season Totals 415m, 02s 207m, 27s 290m, 01s 165m, 37s 115m, 28s 131m, 34s

  • Highest screen times are in bold
  • Shortest screen times are in italics


  • This is the first season that Lois' screen time has been greater than Chloe's.
  • This season everyone has at least one episode with the highest screen time (Oliver, Tess and Zod). Lois has 5, which is her most ever. Clark only has 12, which is his least ever.
  • Lois and Oliver's screen time are the only ones to increase this season.
  • Lois and Clark are the only characters not to have an occasion where they have the least screen time in a single episode. This is the first time that this has happened for Lois since Season 6.
  • Oliver's screen time in Roulette is the highest screen time for any main character in a single hour episode thorughout the whole season. The only time Clark exceeds that in a single episode is his 35 minutes in Absolute Justice; however, this was a 2 hour episode.
  • This season contains both Oliver's highest screen time ever, in Roulette, as well as his lowest screen time ever, in Hostage.
  • Tess' screen time decreases by two minutes this season.
  • Checkmate is the first episode that Tess has the most amount of screen time.
  • This year the trend of axing the character with the least screen time is not continued, as Tess had the least screen time but remained a cast member and instead Zod left.
  • Zod has only one episode with the least screen time: Crossfire.
  • Conspiracy is Tess' least screen time in a single episode ever.

See also[]

Screentime in Smallville
Screentime Season OneSeason TwoSeason ThreeSeason FourSeason FiveSeason SixSeason SevenSeason EightSeason NineSeason Ten
Season Nine in Smallville
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