Exile (10/01/03)
Lives lost: 1
Lives saved: 1
Villain: at large (Edge)
One of the bank robbers in a clown mask appears to open fire on one of the bank patrons huddling on the floor. His death is not portrayed on screen, but its hard to imagine he survived. Lex kills his imaginary friend Louis, but that doesn't count.
Phoenix (10/08/03)
Lives lost: 3
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Escaped (Edge, Helen)
Lana kills the thug holding Martha hostage. Lionel's security guard kills the other thug. He appears to kill Morgan Edge as well, but he will reappear in a later episode. Helen Bryce accidentally kills the pilot (while trying to kill Lex), but she gets away, too.
Extinction (10/15/03)
Lives lost: 2
Lives saved: 3
Villain: Incarcerated (Van)
Van McNulty kills Leonard Wallace and Jake Pollen. He tries to kill Lex Luthor and Clark Kent, but saves Lana from Jake. Clark saves Lex and Jonathan saves Clark. In the end, Van is taken to the psychiatric ward.
Slumber (10/22/03)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Incarcerated (Nicholas)
Sarah Conroy appears to die in several dream sequences. Traveler disintegrates, but he wasn't real. Nicholas Conroy was drugging Sarah but it is unknown if he would have killed her. He tried to kill Lana but Clark saved both girls.
Perry (10/29/03)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Forgiven (Perry)
Pete saves Clark and Perry White from Perry's own recklessness.
Relic (11/05/03)
Lives lost: 1
Lives saved: 0
Villain: Incarcerated (Tate)
Lachlan Luthor killed Louise McCallum, and William Tate framed Dex McCallum for the murder. Clark's investigation leads William to confess, freeing Dex from prison.
Magnetic (11/12/03)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 0
Villain: Comatose (Seth)
Seth Nelson used his magnetic abilities to control Lana. She needed saving (as usual), but she was not in mortal danger. Seth ends up in a coma.
Shattered (11/19/03)
Lives lost: 1
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Dead (Edge)
Darius fakes his death. Lex kills Morgan Edge. Clark saves Lex from a runaway car. Lana very nearly dies after she was mauled by a horse, but the staff of the Smallville Medical Center saves her.
Asylum (01/14/04)
Lives lost: 2
Lives saved: 0
Villain: Incarcerated (Eric); dead (Van); incarcerated (Ian)
The two Ians kill Van. Claire Foster dies in a car accident, but Lionel is suspected. Eric knocks Ian through a pipe. However, a Smallville Torch article indicates that Ian is still alive. Eric tries to kill Clark, and Clark tries to save Lex, but Lex survives his treatment without any help.
Whisper (01/21/04)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 1
Villain: Unknown (Dean); incarcerated (Masterson)
Nathan Dean tries to kill Pete in a car crusher. When Clark saves Pete, a pile of cars falls over Nathan. However, according to a Smallville Ledger article, law enforcement found Nathan unconscious (rather than deceased). It is unknown if he was left comatose, or awoke and was incarcerated.
Delete (01/28/04)
Lives lost: 1
Lives saved: 1
Villain: Hospitalized (Molly)
Molly Griggs tries to kill Chloe three different times, but she survives with help from Adam Knight and Clark Kent. Max Taylor is not so lucky. In the end, Lex stashes Molly away.
Hereafter (02/04/04)
Lives lost: 1
Lives saved: 3
Villain: Dead (Altman)
Coach Altman succeeds in killing himself. Jordan Cross saves Megan Calder. Clark saves Lana, Megan, and Jordan.
Velocity (02/11/04)
Lives lost: 1
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Dead (Dante)
The staff to the Smallville Medical Center save Jonathan after a heart attack. Clark saves Pete from Jason Dante, but Jason is killed in a car accident.
Obsession (02/18/04)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Hospitalized (Alicia)
Clark saves Alicia Baker from a crashing elevator, but she wasn't really in danger. Alicia Baker beats her father badly enough to put him in the hospital with a respirator. She threatens Clark's parents, but never follows through. She tries to kill Lana with a knife, but Clark stops her. Lionel orders Lia Teng to deny Adam Knight his medications, but it will later be revealed that she does not.
Resurrection (02/25/04)
Lives lost: 2
Lives saved: 100
Villain: Dead (Garrett)
Vince Davis dies twice from liver disease. Lia Teng revives him once. Garrett Davis threatens to blow up the Smallville Medical Center unless his brother is given a liver transplant. Clark is able to save the lives of perhaps a hundred people in the hospital. In the end Garrett is shot and killed by a deputy sheriff.
Crisis (03/03/04)
Lives lost: 9
Lives saved: 1
Villain: Dead (Adam)
Adam Knight kills Lia Teng and seven other lab technicians. He injures Glen Burton, Jonathan, Chloe, and the warehouse attendant. He tries to kill Lana, but Clark saves her before Adam succumbs to his illness (again).
Legacy (04/14/04)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 2
Villain: unknown
Clark saves Jonathan from falling off the roof. A phone calls saves Lionel from killing himself. Clark saves Lionel from Jonathan's chokehold.
Truth (04/21/04)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 1
Villain: in Custody (Taylor)
William Taylor tries to run Chloe off of Coughlin Bridge as she begins to succumb to the truth gas' fatal effects, but Clark stops Will and injects Chloe with the antidote.
Memoria (04/28/04)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 1
Villain: Comatose (Garner)
Lex participated in a dangerous treatment with Lawrence Garner to regain his memory. Clark tries to stop him but is exposed to the same radical treatment. Lex saves Clark who otherwise would have probably drowned in the kryptonite liquid. Dr. Garner goes into a coma when Clark's seizures cause the equipment to explode.
Talisman (05/05/04)
Lives lost: 0
Lives saved: 2
Villain: Comatose (Jeremiah)
Through Jor-El, Jonathan saves Clark after he is stabbed in the stomach by Jeremiah Holdsclaw. Clark saves Lionel from sacrificial death by Jeremiah Holdsclaw.
Forsaken (05/12/04)
Lives lost: 2
Lives saved: 1
Villain: Missing (Emily)
Emily Dinsmore kills the Talon's new owner and her father Pete Dinsmore. She tries to kill Lana with poison gas but Clark arrives in time to save her. Frank Loder beats up Pete to force him to reveal Clark's secret, but Lex arrives and orders him to stop.
Covenant (05/19/04)
Lives lost: 2
Lives saved: 1
Villain: Dead (Loder)
Kara flips a car which then explodes, killing at least one person (and more if there were any passengers). She also kills Frank Loder by vaporizing him and his car. Jor-El dissipates Kara, but it is unknown whether he kills her or simply returns her to the interior of the cave wall. Lex chokes while drinking brandy and Chloe and Gabe Sullivan appear to be killed when their safe house explodes.