Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki

The Palmer family briefly worked at the Luthor Mansion.

Known Members[]

  • Mr. Palmer is the husband of Mrs. Palmer, and father of Jeff and Amy.
  • Mrs. Palmer is the wife of Mr. Palmer, and mother of Jeff and Amy.
  • Amy Palmer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, along with the sister of Jeff.
  • Jeff Palmer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, along with the brother of Amy.


Mr. and Mrs. Palmer started working at the Luthor Mansion around the time that Lex Luthor moved in. The family's time in Smallville proved short-lived, after Amy Palmer was revealed to have developed an obsessive crush on Lex (even stealing things from him). Lex arranged for the family to move to Metropolis (where Amy could get help with her obsession), but was attacked by Jeff Palmer, for not returning his sister's feelings, before the family went away. After the attack, Jeff was institutionalized.[1] It is unknown what happened to the Palmer family after the spring of 2002.


Gallery of family members[]

