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Max Mercury is a person connected to the Speed Force.[1]

Season Eleven[]

While talking to Bart Allen, Jay Garrick (a fellow Speedster) recollected that he had heard Bart's name in his head, together with Barry Allen, Wally West and Max Mercury, when he had become a Speedster, noting that they were all connected through the Speed Force.[1]


  • While Max Mercury is established to exist in the universe of Smallville, it is unknown if he is a past, present, or future Speedster (according to Jay Garrick, he heard Bart Allen's name, when he became connected to the Speed Force, at a time when Bart (who is originally from the 31st Century) was not born).[1]

Is one of you named "Max"?

  • In Haunted, Bart Allen encounters three mysterious Speedsters (two male, one female).[1] It is unknown if Max Mercury was one of them.

Impulse comic books in Run.

  • Max Mercury never appeared on the show. However, in the Season Four episode Run, there is an open Impulse comic book in Bart's hotel room, which shows an image of Max.


In the comics[]

Max, then called "Quicksilver", first appeared in National Comics #5 (1940), published by Quality Comics. The characters created by Quality Comics were later sold to DC Comics. The character was eventually renamed "Max Mercury", and became a supporting character/mentor to Impulse in the 1990s.

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