The Kents are a Kansas farming family that has owned and operated a farm in Smallville since 1871.
Known Members[]
- Hiram's father - Granfather of Jonathan, he build a oak bed which Clark lifted up the first time he used his abilities.
- Hiram Kent was the husband of Jessica Kent and the father of Jonathan Kent. He was also the father-in-law of Martha Kent and the adoptive grandfather of Clark Kent (whom he has never met).
- Jessica Kent was the wife of Hiram Kent and the mother of Jonathan Kent. She was also the mother-in-law of Martha Kent and the adoptive grandmother of Clark Kent (whom she has never met).
- Jonathan Kent was the son of Hiram and Jessica Kent, husband of Martha Kent, and the adoptive father of Clark Kent. He died of an heart attack years before he can become the father-in-law of Lois Lane.
- Martha Kent is the widow of Jonathan Kent, and the adoptive mother of Clark Kent. She was also later the mother-in-law of Lois Lane.
- Clark Kent (born Kal-El) is the Kryptonian adopted son of Jonathan and Martha Kent, and the husband of Lois Lane. He is also the adopted grandson of Hiram and Jessica Kent, and William Clark.
- Unnamed baby - The unborn fetus that died in Martha's womb in an accident. He was going to be Clark's brother.
- Lois Lane later becomes the wife of Clark Kent, the daughter-in-law of Martha and (posthumously) Jonathan Kent, and by extension the granddaughter-in-law of Hiram and Jessica Kent.
- Conner Kent is a Kryptonian hybrid clone of Clark Kent, created with his DNA mixed with Lex Luthor's. Legally, he is considered a cousin of Clark Kent,[1] and is currently under the guardianship of Martha Kent.
- Bert Kent is the husband of Lorna Kent, with whom he has two children. They live in Smallville.[2]
- Lorna Kent is the wife of Bert Kent, and mother of his two children.[2]
- Andrea Kent is possibly a cousin of Clark Kent, through Jonathan. It is unknown if she is a first or second cousin. She has one child on her own, and lives in Smallville.[2]
- Kelly Kent is possibly a cousin of Clark Kent, through Jonathan. It is unknown if she is a first or second cousin.[2]
- Unnamed child is the child of Andrea Kent. The child's name and gender is unknown.[2]
- Unnamed children are two children of Bert and Lorna Kent. Their names and gender are unknown. It is also unknown if they are siblings or cousins of Andrea and Kelly Kent.[2]
Other Relatives[]
- William Clark is the father of Martha Kent, the estranged father-in-law of Jonathan Kent, and adoptive maternal grandfather of Clark Kent.
- Kara Kent (born Kara Zor-El) is the Kryptonian biological first cousin of Clark Kent. After arriving in Smallville, Clark's close friend Chloe Sullivan helped set up Kara's identity as a cousin of the Kent family from Minnesota. However, Kara would later abandon the "Kara Kent" identity in favor of a new one in 2010: "Linda Danvers",[3][4] by which time she had not used the "Kara Kent" identity in years.[5][6]
- The House of El was Clark and Kara Kent's Kryptonian biological family, who were all killed during the destruction of Krypton.
- Jor-El was the biological father of Clark Kent, whose consciousness was preserved in the form of an artificial intelligence, and later revived as a clone.
- Lara-El was the biological mother of Clark Kent, who was later temporarily revived as a clone.
- Zor-El was the estranged brother of Jor-El, the father of Kara Kent, and uncle of Clark Kent, who was later temporarily revived as a clone.
- Zor-El's wife was the biological mother of Kara Kent.
- Jor-El and Zor-El's father was the paternal grandfather of Clark and Kara Kent.
- The Lane family is the birth family of Lois Lane, and the in-law relatives of Clark Kent.
Other Realities[]
- Chloe Sullivan was married to Clark in an alternate reality of Lex Luthor's post-gunshot coma.
- Clark Kent was the human son of Jonathan and Martha Kent in an alternate universe in which baby Kal-El never arrived on Earth.[7]
- Jonathan Kent (Earth-2) was a native of Earth-2 and the ex-husband of Martha Kent.
- Martha Kent (Earth-2) was a native of Earth-2 and the ex-wife of Jonathan Kent.
- An unnamed man was a native of Earth-2 and the father of Jonathan Kent.
- Clark Kent (Earth-13) was a native of Earth-13.
- Clark Kent (Earth-167) is a native of Earth-167. He is married to the Lois Lane of that Earth and is the father of her daughters.
- Lois Lane (Earth-167) is a native of Earth-167. she is married to the Clark Kent of that Earth and is the mother of his daughters.
- Unnamed Kent girls (Earth-167) are the daughters of Clark Kent and Lois Lane on Earth-167.[8]
Hiram Kent (1924-1980) was the father of Jonathan Kent and Clark's adoptive grandfather. He was a farmer, like all the Kent men. He and his wife Jessica unknowingly met young Jor-El under the alias of Joe and saved him from going to jail for being framed for murder. Jor-El sent his son Kal-El to his son Jonathan decades later. Hiram and Jonathan were very close and Jonathan often reflected on their relationship when dealing with his own son.
Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent owned the Kent Farm. They found Kal-El and his tiny spaceship following the meteor shower on October 16, 1989. He was wandering around alone and naked, as well as appeared to be about age two or three. Jonathan and Martha brought the boy home. Deciding that he had indeed fallen from the sky, they adopted him and raised him as their son. Lionel Luthor owed Jonathan a favor and provided them with "official" adoption papers. They told no one about his arrival on Earth, not even Martha's parents. The Kents named the boy Clark, Martha's maiden name. However, Clark soon proved to be no ordinary toddler. Bit by bit, he began to exhibit super-human abilities, beginning with super strength.
Over the years, Jonathan and Martha's loving, supportive parenting instilled in Clark a strong sense of morality and the importance of helping those in need. The Kents raised Clark with a modest lifestyle and taught him to treat his abilities as gifts and use them to help others, but to keep them a secret from everyone, including his best friends. Despite the fact that he was different from everyone, Clark was raised as normal as possible: he attended school and had friends just like any normal kid. Clark was aware that he was adopted, but the Kents waited until he was fourteen to tell him that he was not from Earth.
Martha got pregnant during Clark's second year in high school even though the doctors had always said she and Jonathan couldn't have children. However later in the spring Martha lost the baby due to a truck accident and Clark remained an only child.
In 2006, the night Jonathan was elected Kansas State Senator, he died of a heart attack. Martha later took his position as senator. Clark assumed primary responsibility of the farm. In 2007, Martha moved to Washington D.C. to serve in the United States Senate shortly before Clark discovered his Kryptonian cousin Kara. His friend Chloe Sullivan created a false history for Kara to explain her sudden appearance, christening her "Kara Kent". Clark and Kara lived on the farm together for much of that year, before Kara was kidnapped by Brainiac and placed in the Phantom Zone. In 2008, Clark and Lois were accidentally transported to the phantom zone by the crystal where they were reunited with Kara and returned back to Earth together.
In 2011, Clark is introduced to a clone that shares both his and Lex's DNA known as Conner Kent, Clark assumes the responsibility of offering guidance to Conner by helping him fit in to society while also gaining control over all of his kryptonian abilities . Clark gives Conner the same moral guidance Jonathan and Martha gave to him and adopted him into the Kent family as his cousin.
In 2010, Clark proposed to Lois Lane who accepted his marriage proposal with great joy and happiness as she became his fiancée.
- Clark once married Alicia Baker, while he was under the influence of Red kryptonite. However, according to Clark, the marriage was not legal.[9]
- During the last few days of his life, Martha and Jonathan Kent had custody of Ryan James,[10] making him an unofficial member of the Kent family.
- Clark seemingly served as the temporary legal guardian of Evan Gallagher, during Evan's extremely short life,[11] making him another unofficial member of the Kent family.
- Clark once passed off Lindsay Harrison as his cousin from California.[12]
- In Metallo, Lois Lane mentions that Martha has told her that Clark is visiting cousins in Poughkeepsie.[13] It is unknown if said cousins are on Jonathan's or Martha's side of the family tree.
- In Finale, Part 1, two people on the wedding guest list are a Ron Biglow and Amie Gibbins. It is unknown if Ron and Amie was guests of the bride or the groom (the former would make Ron and/or Amie possible relatives of the Lane family, or just friends of Lois Lane).[2]
In the Comics[]
The standard members of the Kent family are Jonathan and Martha Kent, and their adoptive son Clark. Additional members have tended shift between different eras/continuities. Some only appearing once, never to be mentioned again.
In the Golden Age/Earth-Two continuity, Jonathan Kent had a sister named Minerva Kent, who made her one and only appearance in Action Comics #160 (September, 1951). This Kent family eventually added the Lois Lane of Earth-Two, when she finally married Clark Kent. The two never had children, but would come to regard Clark's cousin, Karen Starr (Power Girl) as their daughter (a revamped version of Power Girl, introduced in 2011, depicted her as the adoptive daughter of the Clark Kent and Lois Lane of Earth 2).
In the Silver Age/Bronze Age/Earth-One continuity, Jonathan Kent had two brothers named Burt Kent and Kendall Kent. Through Burt, Clark had a cousin named Jillian Kent, who first appeared in Superman Family #191 (October, 1978). One earlier Superman story in Superman #111 (February, 1957), featured a different cousin named Judd Kent. This continuity also introduced Jonathan Kent's father, Hiram (whose name was inconsistent, with some stories giving him the names "Vincent" or "Matthew"). In different stories, Jonathan and Martha would either briefly adopt (or shown to have previously adopted) other children:
In Adventure Comics #260 (May, 1959), the Kents adopts a boy named Allen (who becomes known as "Allen Kent") for one month. Allen turns out to actually be a superpowered alien named Vidal.
In Adventure Comics #297 (June, 1962), Lana Lang is briefly adopted by the Kents, after her parents are believed to have died in Africa. At the end of the story, Lana's parents are revealed to still be alive and returns to her biological family.
Superboy #108 (October, 1963) revealed that Jonathan and Martha had adopted a boy named Tim, before they adopted Clark, who was from a planet called Ulgar. Tim erased all evidence of his existence (and made the Kents forget about him), and returned years later as supervillain Mighto.
In a possible future shown in Superman Family #200 (April, 1980), Clark Kent married Lois Lane and the two had a daughter named Laura Kent. In the story, Lois discovers that she is pregnant with their second child (name and gender never revealed).
In the John Byrne reboot version, known as "New Earth", Jonathan's father was named Sam. Jonathan also had a deceased brother named Harry, who had been married to a woman named Sarah. Jonathan is the second husband of Martha, who had previously been married to man named Dan Fordman until he had passed away. Martha also had a brother named Bert Clark. This incarnation of the Kent family is indicated to be descendants of Sir Brian Kent/Silent Knight (a 6th Century reincarnation of Prince Khufu, while a 20th Century reincarnation of Khufu would become Hawkman). Like in other versions, Clark Kent would end up marrying Lois Lane. The two would adopt a boy called Christopher Kent (the son of Zod). Eventually, they would have a biological son named Jonathan Kent II.
See also[]
Gallery of family members[]
Clark Kent in Smallville