Hercules is a Rottweiler. He, along with Shelby ("Einstein" at the time), who was apart of a LuthorCorp experiment.
This dog, along with another number of dogs, are experimented on by LuthorCorp. At the dog shelter, they are under the control of the Greenfield brothers, Zack and Josh. There, they are severely and tremendously mistreated. They use him and Einstein to commit crimes using their Kryptonite-induced powers.
Hercules along with Einstein at the orders of the Greenfields, barge into a store and while Einstein breaks into a safe, this dog's snarling at the man at the desk. This dog, being seemingly more aggressive (due to be teased and abused), chases the guy to a room sealed off by two steel doors. He easily busted in.
Once locating Einstein, who's been taken under the tender care of the Kents, they deploy Hercules. He attacks Jonathan Kent, and tears right through bone. Shelby leaps to the rescue, and he's called off.
He was eventually saved from being killed by the Greenfield Brothers by Shelby, who let him out of his cage. The powers eventually wore off and Hercules ran away to be a normal dog.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Superhuman Strength - Through constant Kryptonite injections, this dog was given uncontrollable strength. It eventually wore off, and now he's just an ordinary dog. Jonathan worried that it was so strong it could even injure Clark in season four to some degree and Clark himself accepted the possibility.
In the Comics[]

New Earth Herakules
In the comics, there was no dog named Hercules, however, there was Herakules, the Greek God of Strength, who enslaved the Amazons, and also there is a dog with super powers who is the enemy of Krypto.
Superboy #6 (January, 1950) has Clark encounter a Greek immigrant boy and Smallville High student named Hercules Mafiades.