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The Federal Bureau of Investigation (or FBI) is the principal federal law enforcement agency of United States of America.

Known Agents[]

Season Three[]

Lex Luthor struck a deal with the FBI, to help them take down Lionel Luthor.

Season Eight[]

In a since deleted timeline, FBI agents came to the Kent Farm, after Clark Kent went public as an alien and was accused by Linda Lake of murdering Lex Luthor, and being the first wave of an alien invasion.

Season Ten[]

Chloe Sullivan and Oliver Queen stumbled into an undercover FBI operation.

In the Comics[]

Several DC characters have been involved with the FBI over the years. One of the earliest was an FBI agent named Steve Carson, who first appeared in New Comics #2 (January, 1936). Steve Carson was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

Patrick "Eel" O'Brian (Plastic Man) has also been involved with the FBI. Two other notable FBI agents are Trey Thompson and Jeff Graves (who have both carried the moniker "Mister America").
