This gallery contains images and videos of Doomsday, portrayed by Sam Witwer (as Davis Bloome) and Dario Delacio (as the monster) in the Smallville TV series.
Davis Bloome; Charismatic Paramedic
Doomsday awakens in the Fortress
Davis and Doomsday are split by Black Kryptonite
Davis faces the beast within
Davis proves to be as evil as Doomsday
Doomsday faces down the Justice League
Doomsday salivates over his prey
Doomsday comes face to face with Clark
Doomsday vs The Red-Blue-Blur
Doomsday pummels Clark into oblivian
Doomsday prepares for a killing blow
Clark realizes he cannot defeat Doomsday and buries him alive
Doomsday prepares for battle
Doomsday's only goal: To kill the Last Son of Krypton
All American Boy: Genetically engineered Doomsday with a Kryptonite Skeleton
The one who killed Superman
Doomsday in his restraints
Doomsday against the Superman Family
Doomsday powered massacre