Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki

Daniel "Danny" Potter, Jr. was the brother of Louise McCallum, and the apparent father of Nell Potter and Laura Lang.


Little is known about the life of Danny Potter. He was the father of two daughers named Laura and Nell. In 1961, Danny's sister, Louise McCallum, was killed. Daniel Outlived her.[1][2] In 1986, Danny became a grandfather with the birth of Laura's daughter, Lana Lang.[3] It is unknown if Danny was still alive by the early 2000s.



Smallville Ledger article on Louise McCallum and the Potter family.

  • Danny Potter was established in a tie-in Smallville Ledger article. The article does not specify the relationship between Danny, Laura and Nell Potter (and, by extension, Lana Lang). However, the fact that the maiden name for Laura and Nell is "Potter" points to them being the daughters of Louise McCallum's (née Potter) brother (unless born out of wedlock, children tend to be given their father's last name). According to the article, Daniel and Emily Potter had five children, but only one son: Danny,[1] making him the one candidate to be the father of Laura and Nell, and grandfather of Lana Lang.
Lana Lang in Smallville
Family Family: Langs (Laura and Lewis) • Nell Potter • Relatives: Ezra SmallHenry SmallLouise McCallum
'Ships Chloe SullivanLois LaneTess MercerWhitney FordmanAdam KnightJason TeagueClark KentLex LuthorBizarro
Work Talon (apartment) • Isis Foundation
Isobel IsobelMark of TransferenceSpell book
Other Lana's necklaceWhitney's letterModel 503Project PrometheusNear-death experiencesEpisodes

