Smallville Wiki
Smallville Wiki

The Daily Planet Employee is a woman working for the Daily Planet, and friend of Clark Kent.[1][2]

Season Ten[]

She attended Clark and Lois' wedding. Like the others, she fled right before Darkseid (possessing Oliver Queen) attacked Clark Kent.[1]


In 2018, she was outside of editor Perry White's office, struggling with a copy machine, when Lois Lane walked past her.[2]


  • The character's name was never established.
DailyPlanetEmployee 4Finale2

At the wedding.

  • She was one of the groom's guests at the wedding.
  • Being at the Daily Planet in 2018, it is possible that she is intended to be a canonical Daily Planet employee from the comics (though, whom is unclear). Towards the end of the show, they seemingly began to phase out the Daily Planet employees (that were original to the show), for canonical supporting characters from the Superman comics.[3][4][5][6] Depictions of the future in Salvation, Homecoming and Finale, Part 2 have all the named Daily Planet employees be Ron Troupe, Perry White, and James Bartholomew "Jimmy" Olsen.[7][8][2] The one exception being Jeff Hage, who appears in the 2013 sequence in Salvation[7] and the 2017 sequence in Homecoming,[8] but is absent from the 2018 sequence in Finale, Part 2 (despite appearing in the 2011 part of Finale, Part 1).[1][2] Jeff himself vanishes after the Season Eleven story Haunted.[9] In the remaining Season Eleven stories, all the named Daily Planet employees are Perry White, Cat Grant, Franklin Stern, and Steve Lombard.[10][11][12][13]
    • It is unknown if she was already a co-worker of Clark Kent and Lois Lane in 2011, or if she is a friend of Clark's, who joins the newspaper by 2018. Unlike a few other wedding guests (who also appears at the Daily Planet), she is not seen at the newspaper in the present day scenes.[1][2]
    • In the comics, Clark Kent has an Asian-American friend named Tommy Lee (not to be confused with the character in the Season Four episode Mortal). One possibility is that this character is a gender swapped version of him (being an Asian-American friend of Clark Kent).

Tommy Lee as he appears in the comics.


