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Clark Kent is affected by an exposure to kryptonite many times over the course of the Smallville TV series.

Exposure to kryptonite is one of Clark Kent's most prominent vulnerabilities. He is affected by the various types of kryptonite in different ways. The effects are generally reversed as soon as the substance is removed.

Green Kryptonite[]

Most frequently, Clark is exposed to Green Kryptonite. It renders Clark powerless and painfully incapacitated.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville 1x01 Clark misses the school bus-2352 1x01: Pilot Clark's first impairment by kryptonite shown in the series occurrs when he approaches Lana Lang who wears a necklace with a green kryptonite crystal. Clark trips and falls to the ground, dropping his books. Lana helps him pick them up again. Lana leaves with her boyfriend Whitney Fordman so that the kryptonite crystal no longer affects Clark.
Smallville Green Kryptonite makes Clark Sick Episode 1-0119 1x01: Pilot When Clark is attacked by Whitney and strikes back, he is incapacitated by Lana's kryptonite necklace Whitney is wearing. He is brought away in a truck and strung up on a cross in the middle of a field as a scarecrow with the necklace put around his neck. When Lex Luthor unties Clark from the cross, the necklace falls to the ground and is picked up by Lex while Clark runs away.

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Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville Green Kryptonite Makes Clark Sick Episode 10-0083
8x05: Committed Clark is weakened by Macy's kryptoniate watchband. He succeeds in pulling off Macy's watchband and throwing it down a nearby floor drain.

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Red Kryptonite[]

Red Kryptonite makes Clark lose his inhibitions and social conscience. He changes into his altered self Kal who is unpredictable, belligerent and aggressive.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville 2x04 Clark puts on a red kryptonite ring-1221 2x04: Red Clark purchases a class ring which is advertised as being set with a ruby, but instead has a red kryptonite crystal. When Clark puts it on, his eyes turn red and he becomes a rebellious and dangerous teenager who uses his powers for personal gain instead of good. Clark is incapacitated by Pete Ross with green kryptonite and then attacked by Jonathan Kent with a big hammer. Clark stretches out an arm to deflect the blow so that it hits the ring and shatters the kryptonite crystal.

Blue Kryptonite[]

Blue Kryptonite suppresses Clark's powers for as long as he is in contact with it, but otherwise does not cause him any physical or mental harm.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville Supermans Early Years Clark and Blue Kryptonite-0163 7x08: Blue Lara-El gives Clark Jor-El's blue victory ring. When Clark puts it on, he is affected by the blue cryptonite contained in it and his eyes turn blue. Only when he afterwards meets Zor-El on the street, he notices that he has lost his powers. He cannot take off the ring, either. When Clark destroys the blue crystal in the Fortress of Solitude, the ring disappears and Clark regains his powers.

Black Kryptonite[]

Black Kryptonite can split people into their good and evil personas, and also merge the two personas back into one body.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville 4x01 KalEl and Clark split due to Black Kryptonite-0170 4x01: Crusade Martha Kent presses black kryptonite given to her by Bridgette Crosby onto Kal-El's chest when comes out of the secret chamber in the Kawatche Caves. The two personas Kal-El and Clark Kent are split from each other and fight each other for control. Martha tosses the kryptonite block to Clark who stabs it into Kal-El, thus combining them back, this time with Clark in control.

Gold Kryptonite[]

Gold Kryptonite can negate a Kryptonian's healing factor under a yellow sun, and can potentially remove their powers forever.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville Kryptonite Green Red Silver Black Blue and Gold-4237 10x21: Finale, Part 1 Darkseid's Prophets assign the enslaved Oliver Queen the task to remove Clark's powers using a wedding ring made of gold kryptonite. At Clark and Lois' wedding, Oliver opens the box with the ring, Lois takes out the ring and is about to slip it onto Clark's finger. Chloe Sullivan notices that the ring sparkles weird and starts to glow as it gets close to Clark's hand. She reaches forward and knocks the ring as far away from Clark as possible.

Silver Kryptonite[]

Silver Kryptonite induces hallucinations and paranoia in Kryptonians and also negates a Kryptonian's invulnerability and suppresses their Healing factor.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville Kryptonite Green Red Silver Black Blue and Gold-1481 5x07: Splinter When Clark opens a box sent to Lana by Lex, he scratches his finger on the Silver Kryptonite rock inside and starts bleeding. His behavior becomes erratic, and he suffers extremely vivid visual and auditory hallucinations. Milton Fine extracts the splinter from Clark using a specific device.

Gemstone Kryptonite[]

Gemstone Kryptonite gives Clark a persuasive power to make others do what he tells them.

Image Episode Event Outcome
Smallville Persuasion 9x13 Clois Clark Wants a Traditional Valentines Day-2011 9x13: Persuasion While Clark is out on a date with Lois on Valentine's Day, a girl dressed up like a fairy blows 'pixie dust' on them, wishing them a Happy Valentine's Day. The dust contains Gemstone Kryptonite, and Clarks eyes shortly turn blue. Thereafter, everyone Clark talks to is compelled to obey the order he gives them. When Clark is about to attack Tess Mercer using his Heat Vision, Chloe appears with Green Kryptonite in her hand which cancels out the persuasive effect of the Gemstone Kryptonite and returns Clark back to normal.


Green Kryptonite playlist
Red Kryptonite playlist
Blue Kryptonite playlist

See also[]
