Barry Allen is a person connected to the Speed Force.[1]
Season Four[]
Bart Allen used his name as an alias when he was living on the streets as a petty criminal.[1]
Season Eleven[]
After Bart met Jay Garrick (another Speedster and person, whose identity had been stolen by Bart), Bart admitted that he had heard the names "Jay Garrick", "Barry Allen", and "Wally West" in his head, after acquiring his connection to the Speed Force. Jay Garrick admitted that the same had happened to him (only, he had also heard Bart's name, along with Max Mercury), when he had become a Speedster, noting that they were all connected through the Speed Force.[1]
- While Barry Allen is established to exist in the universe of Smallville, it is unknown if he is a past, present, or future Speedster (according to Jay Garrick, he heard Bart Allen's name, when he became connected to the Speed Force, at a time when Bart (who is originally from the 31st Century) was not born).[1] Traditionally, Barry is depicted as a contemporary of Clark Kent in the comics. In Haunted, the Black Flash sets off "Speed Storms" all over the world, in an attempt to ignite a new Speedster. In theory, Barry Allen could have been one who was ignited.[1] In Chaos, S.T.A.R. Labs scientist T.O. Morrow wears a red T-shirt with a Flash symbol on it (specifically, the version on Barry Allen's Flash suit),[2] indicating the possible existence of the Barry Allen Flash in 2012.
- In Haunted, Bart Allen encounters three mysterious Speedsters (two male, one female).[1] It is unknown if Barry Allen was one of them.
- It is unknown if Barry is Bart Allen's grandfather, like he is in the comics.
- Season Four: Run (Mentioned only)
- Season Eleven: Haunted (Mentioned only)
In the comics[]