Andrew "Andy" Connors is a college student who attacked Lana Lang in the Talon.
Season Two[]
Clark Kent arrived and warned Andy and his friends to stay away from Lana and the Talon permanently, but when Andy became aggressive, Clark attacked the group, tossing Andy's friends into the nearby trash and throwing Andy himself into the cruiser of Sheriff Nancy Adams.
Andy subsequently sued Clark and saddled him with a restraining order, claiming that Clark had caused him life-changing injuries involving neck injuries. However, as Clark later confirmed using his X-Ray vision, Andy was faking his injuries. Meanwhile, Andy's attack on Lana motivated her to get some martial arts training from Lex.
Later, Lana offered to help Clark out by calling Andy to the Talon and asking him to drop the lawsuit, telling him that she knew he was faking his injuries. Realizing that his cover was blown, Andy tried to lure Lana into the back room, but she sent him crashing into a nearby table with a spin-kick. Humiliated, Andy dropped the lawsuit on condition that Lana never tell anyone about the attack, although she did tell Clark to reveal that she had returned the favor. However, it appears that Sheriff Adams also discovered, as she informed Clark about Lana's spin-kick.
As he had lied about severe injuries to the police, it is highly likely that Andy was arrested for welfare fraud.