The Fandome was announced to be on October 16 2021. This is the 20th anniversary of Smallville's release. You all think its a coincidence? I hope not.
There are so many inconsistencies like this in countless other tv series and movies. I choose to see it as something done for viewer convince rather than a plot hole, but I’d also understand anyone who thinks otherwise. But it’s done so often, and Im definitely not gonna hold it against Smallville.
Excepy for a certain thing that happens on 7x16 "Descent" I won't name for the sake of our fellow fan who hasn't finished the show yet. That's kinda a huge spoiler, don't you think so?
The Fandome was announced to be on October 16 2021. This is the 20th anniversary of Smallville's release. You all think its a coincidence? I hope not.
Kojak2201, Im a huge Lex fan, I think I understand him relatively well. He didn’t mean bad with Clark for most of their relationship. But how could you say Lex never lied? He lied, so many, so many times. Yes Clark’s lies were one of the things that turned Lex into the villain he is, yes we could argue that Clark shouldn’t have done it. But Lex did lie as well. And kept so much from Clark. They both did from each other.
I agree, but from where I am from no one in my generation hasn’t even heard of it-let alone watching it.
I think it was using red Kryptonite at the end of season 2. He basically drugged himself to remove his inhabitations to not feel pain and guilt, hurting his loved ones and committing many crimes, getting involved with crime lords...
What do you think?
Mallory22207, Lexana was good until season 4, “Onyx”. After that it became the toxic relationship I don’t need to tell you about. But when they were friends, they had many good moments.
But later on Lex saying I always loved you kinda makes it a whole lot more creepy
What are your thoughts on the Chlark Dark Thursday kiss?
Personally I think it was mainly Chloe's emotions exploding, thinking it was the end of the world and the last time she would see Clark.
What do you think?
Whenever you see that name, you probably think some crazy person is about to start doing some crazy shipping don't you. Well, I'm tired of people seeing it that way. And yes I am Chlark fan, as every reasonable person could be.
I don't know if it's just me that doesn't immediately think of the romantic couple when seeing that name. Yeah, Clark and Chloe's romantic relationship at the end of season 1 was cute and hearth-warming to watch and I wouldn't mind it lasting longer. But I absolutely love Chloe (4th fav) and think him and Clark are much better of as BFF's.
What do you think?
Personally, the Clark-Lex bromance in seasons 1-4 has been one of my favorite things about Smallville. I loved seeing them as friends, but despite how heartbreaking it was I also loved the way their relationship developed to finally become what it was destined to be.
There are many people I've seen on other platforms-especially YouTube- that see Clark and Lex as a romantic couple. I think they most certainly never were and never could be. I'm not saying this because I am homophobic or something but all I saw in those two were (in the first few seasons) guys trying to become closer friends but just couldn't stop lying to each other for their respective reasons.
And since Lex is my favorite and Clark number 2, I just can't help but see this as an amazingly well done relationship.
What do you think?
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What can we do?
SeaofWonders, being so blind to the reality (in the show) is just crazy, I know. I had similar feelings when i watched the show when i was younger (12), now rewatching it as more of a teen (15) i see there were many things I blamed Lana for and shouldn’t have blamed her for. Perhaps this person you’ve read the review of had a similar case (not trying to defend him...). If you had asked me what I felt about Lana three months ago I’d say that I hate her. But rewatching it with a bit more maturity helped me realize she was a great character that went through so much. I used to blame her for breaking Clark’s heart but I hadn’t somehow realized that she actually didn’t know Clark’s reasons for pushing away and it was Clark that broke her heart first.
Still, I don’t love Lana, she is ok. That is probably because I’m all about Chloe, Tess and Lois (considering female characters). So she always seemed relatively boring to me compared to those.
About the Lex part, he is my favorite character in all of entertainment. But by no means am I an apologist of him. Yes, he was madly in love with Lana in his own wicked way, but considering what he did to her (the lying and most importantly the pregnancy), yeah Lana could have used protection, I guess she didn’t considering she was able to believe she was pregnant rather easily, but by no means does that give Lex the right to manipulate her and fake a pregnancy. In fact, I believe there was a good chance Lana would have married Lex a few years later anyway and be happy with it if he didn’t fake the pregnancy.
The reason I love Lex so much is because he shows how much our past affects us, how the darkness of your family can consume you when all I you wanted was to run from it. What obsession does to one... Yes Lex is wickedly evil, as it was literally confirmed in 7.16 (Descent) and yes he could have chosen to be good. But we must also remember the pain he went through, when he was trying to be good: Abusive father, bald from childhood, Julian, the death of his mom in early age, then being forced by Lionel to do stuff he didn’t want to do, Clark lying to his face all the time, then we have Lana...
None of these stuff excuse his behavior. They are just the reasons it developed. No one can tell you what would have happened if these didn’t happen. (Btw I know he hurt Lana much more than she hurt him, but after all he was in love in his own sick way you know) So don’t mind of I say:
Lex Luthor, the perfect villain...
”I am the villain of the story!”
Agreed. Most of the evil Lex did was justified in a sick way in his psychopathic mind. But what he did was no where near moral nor excusable in real life standards. But I somewhat agree with the opinion that suggests all the evil he did wasn’t entirely his fault. Yes he could have chosen to be good, but there was also so much past trauma that pushed him to do it. It would have required one hell of will power to walk away from that darkness. But after all he is one hell of a villain thats so wickedly evil. He makes you pity him, be disgusted by him and appreciate the character he provides to the series. As his good, bad and “torn between” versions.
Mallory22207, well apparently I misunderstood you! I have personally never came across someone like that, but calling him good, especially after season 6 is crazy!
Mallory22207, I think you might have misunderstood me. I like Lex because he is bad. I have a thing for cool villains ok!? 99% of the evil Lex did can not be excused. His past traumas only triggered it he very well could have choosen to be good. I like him for reasons I listed on my previous comment.
And also I liked Lex when he was good as well.
Mallory22207, hi its me again! Lex is my fav has always been always will be. I do not deny the fact that he is evil. The only excuse for his actions could be what he went through in the past. But that really doesn’t give him the right to kill innocent people! But this is Lex Luthor! He is meant to be so wickedly evil then go home and chill. Thats what makes him so cool. So savage and careless at times. I absolutely loved the story of him turning from a young man who meant nothing but good into the psychopath he is meant to be. Its so heartbreaking and badass at the same time. What I saw in Lex in the first three seasons was a man with a good heart with some misguided methods and an extreme curiosity. Then in seasons 4-5 was the transition phase where you begged him for doing the right thing then understanding you were losing him. Afterward, he goes straight down. The “Descent” begins. He is always worth watching, I hope he returned one episode before the finale and had a little more screen time in the end.
Redstar, thats true, but the part of her that could have gotten into a romantic relationship was gone
Tess died in the finale
Storydom, exactly.