16 Votes in Poll
@MasterWonder2407 I read the L as an exclamation mark for some reason.
Also, I've only included the negative version of Kara which isn't really a Bizarro as it's listed in the images of other iterations of Bizarro on his page on this Wiki.
@MasterWonder2407 I'm confused do you mean the town wherein Babe the film about the talking pig was set?
No problem.
@Yeahsure19 The Strictly first live show has been postponed to next Saturday with the launch on Friday, but still no Superman & Lois today. Next week however the last two episodes of Season 2 of Superman & Lois will air from 16:20 - 17:00 & 17:00 - 17:40 (The link directs you to the BBC Schedule website for next Saturday as I'm fairly sure that your in the UK).
@Yeahsure19 In our eyes it is, but in the BBC Exec's it clearly isn't.
@Yeahsure19 Following the news of the queens passing S&L episode 13 has been moved to BBC2 this week. No clue what's going on with episodes 14 & 15 next week as can't find them on the schedule (BBC1 is pre-occupied with Hit List Strictly special & Strictly launch and can't find S&L on BBC2 neither).
@Michael.mcdonnell.7549 I feel as if in the limited time she knew he was The Blur she trusted him more to, whilst also being able to be loyal to him, as after Lana found out she married Lex so she could spy on him for Lionel and she later just seemed really protective of Clark in the few Season 7 episodes that she appeared in if I remember correctly.
Lois on the other hand was just a romantic version of Chloe as she trusted him to use his powers and be safe, and also save them both in a couple of episodes of Season 10, I think these were the end of Lazarus wherein he saves Lois from being hung up like a Scarecrow like he himself was in Season 1, extinguishes a fire, and stops the Daily Planet globe from falling and crushing people and Harvest wherein they get a flat tyre and he saves them both from a village of cannibals after getting his powers which he lost for the majority of the episode, back towards its end (If I remember the latter correctly). I say romantic version of Chloe, as it felt as if she had the same extreme levels of trust surrounding his usage of his powers that Chloe had ever since Season 4's Pariah when shown Clark using them to catch a car after being taken to a position wherein she could see this by his ex Alicia Baker, before discovering his secret (Season 4 she only knew he had powers) in the Season 5 premiere Arrival but waited to mention this to Clark until he were comfortable to inform her himself.
@Michael.mcdonnell.7549 Yeah, and then they had her with Oliver for a while, as Clark wasn't ready to be with her yet or something until the last couple of seasons (This isn't stated in dialogue, but its what the writing makes it look like). Plus, they even made Clark seem a tad jealous of AC in Aqua as I feel as if perhaps he had a thing for Lois then, but wasn't yet ready to admit it to himself and just played it off as 'she doesn't know anything about AC, I don't know if she should trust him', when in all honesty with him eventually being with Lois, I'd say there was probably a hint of jealousy in the AC situation which he for some reason didn't even seem to have when she were dating Oliver.
@Optimusprimebumblebee "Neo Astral-X" 123 I think they both appeared the same amount of episodes (Tom's & Tyler's), but it may have been easier for Tom's to have more character development in your opinion as his episodes weren't all spewed out in a row (S & L spewed out something like six Inverse episodes in a row, before doing a flashback episode towards how he acted on his world in episode ten).
@Optimusprimebumblebee "Neo Astral-X" 123 I feel the same way, but about Laura Vandervoort sorry (Obviously this is because I haven't seen Supergirl).
@Michael.mcdonnell.7549 I suppose you have a point there as SV Lana just left after Requiem in order to protect Clark (She stole some technology from Lex and he planted a Kryptonite bomb and they were given a choice of 'Metropolis' I think, or their love for one another, and they chose Metropolis. Then she stopped him from getting nearby a van Lex was in as the suit weakened Clark after she absorbed the bomb meaning they could never see one another again, before Lex's van blew up due to an explosive of Toyman's and everyone believed Toyman was responsible for a while, until he had Oliver reveal the truth a season later in Echo).
@Yeahsure19 Correction Cushing's not Crushing's.
@Yeahsure19 I'm beginning to sound like Molly (M) from Men In Black: International, when she questions whether Men In Black should be called 'Men and Women in Black' now (I remember how many people hated that line though as women worked in MIB in a TV Show and never complained about how inclusive the agencies name were at all).
Also the 'leader guy' who replaced General Sam Lane is called Lieutenant Mitchell 'Mitch' Anderson.
@Yeahsure19 Season 2 is back this weekend, with the episodes 'Girl... You'll Be A Woman, Soon' (Episode 5) and my favourite episode of the Series 'Tried & True' (Episode 6). I'll probably finish the series tomorrow as I've been watching on IPlayer lately and have hit Episode 13.
However, if you did watch Episode 4 on IPlayer the guy who escaped the mines in E3 and killed 2 Supermen of America and injured John-Henry in Episode 4 was Bizarro. Still don't get why they were called the 'Supermen' of America rather than Superpeople though as one of them was literally female!
As I have already said in my Bizarro TV incarnations poll, I have never seen Supergirl, so the only fair option that I have is Laura Vandervoort who played Kara Kent / Supergirl in Smallville.
16 Votes in Poll
@Yeahsure19 Bit of a different one today, as with Season 2 of Superman & Lois, I have finally gotten around to making 2 more of these polls, one about Bizarro's and the other about Supergirl's despite the fact I have never seen Arrowverse Supergirl, so will be biased and have to pick Laura's portrayal of Smallville Supergirl there.
I've had to choose Inverse Superman and for once take the Arrowverse's side as despite the fact he has a similar number of on screen appearances as Smallville Bizarro (discounting recordings and mentions, yet counting flashbacks for both versions of the character), I believe that Inverse Superman has better character development in comparison to Smallville Bizarro. In terms of Supergirl Bizarro I just included her as it was another Arrowverse version to include for a bit of fun.
13 Votes in Poll
@Yeahsure19 I like how none of Season 10 is skippable according to the chart and is all a must watch. I do disagree with Nemesis not being a Must Watch though as I love that episode and was annoyed when All4 accidentally missed it from their Box Set initially. I'll admit though Noir is probably the most skippable though as it has nothing to do with any plots the show has (It's still a fun episode, but it has no bearing on the rest of the show).
Also Legion ties into Homecoming doesn't it, so if you didn't watch Legion and skim it or read up on it, would you even get Homecoming?
@Yeahsure19 I don't think so, all you need is a TV License (might be wrong) which you have to confirm. Pretty sure there's a website you have to use too, but there's a bit which explains that as when you start it up there's a guy shown on your TV entering a room (if you set up on your TV) who teaches you how to do stuff by acting like he's setting his own up. He's like 'welcome to BBC IPlayer, follow these simple steps to get an account' and you just do the stuff the guy explains.
Also you stated you haven't heard of Commonwealth Games on the other post, but you probably will know what it is after you read the Wikipedia page below:
Sidenote: I miss Teagan, I preferred her to Candice.