@Grandpa Lo70 its back on again tomorrow, earlier @16:20
Thanks :)
I thought i missed it today, my mum reminded me, but said it might not be on because of bank holiday Monday (Something things are like starting it now, and some things scheduled for Monday are on today and tomorrow I heard.)
I rushed to the TV and noticed S&L wasn’t even on. Few, didn’t miss it :)
Strange. I wondered why it was only a single episode,
I had the TV on BBC 1 waiting for it before realising it was one channel up, For some reason I didn’t think to wonder why it moved, I was thinking it was also channel 2 and I miss-remembered lol.
I wonder if that’s why the announcer spoke about bbs iplayer more that usual.
I do they put but the last two episodes on TV, It’s much more important that Strictly imo
Auto correct :)
I guess we could count it as Women being included because more than half of the work consists of “men” 😆
See, something about S&L isn’t all that memorable I can only remember the main characters names :/ I.e the Kent’s, Crushing’s, Lanes, mostly and Natalie and John Henry.
Compared to other shows I can name most characters without thinking.
I was just told today it’s back on.
Ohh that was Bizarro
I think I watched episode 4 but not all the way through, as much as I like to put on Superman & Lois there’s something about large parts of it that aren’t memorable especially compared to other Arrowverse shows and Smallville.
Yeah it’s weird that they are called that, it’s also weird that they were Superman’s crest, that leader guy could be a bit more original especially since he doesn’t like Superman anymore yet he’s using his name and family crest
For once I’ll be choosing Arrowverse, whereas I do like all these actress/version inc. The school age ones in Supergirl.
I’m going with Melissa Beniost’s I guess I like her personality better, and the way she interacts with others, she’s less impulsive and doesn’t have a bad attitude (Though tbf Supergirl’s version was able to adapt to Earth better because she arrived younger than Kara on Smallville, and had a better fitting in period)
I haven’t seen Bizarro, in either Supergirl or S&L yet, (SG I don’t think I’ve seen past S3 or maybe S2.5) And I’m holding watching S&L S2 until it comes back on TV.
So idk tbh. I can’t compare.
I disagree with all that say “Rest is trash” how rude, and incorrect
But then screenrant is pretty trash most of the time, so they think they know what they’re saying
TBH I do like Noir, I never used to be into black and white episodes in shows but I’ve found them to be quite amazing pieces of art. Noir has a lot of foreshadowing and “pieces coming together” but I suppose if you only want the main story of Smallville you won’t miss much if you were to skip this episode (but I think people like it because it’s Jimmy-centric), I suppose there are many which are like one-off’s.
Thats true about homecoming I think.
I also think ones related to the Traveller you need to do more than just read the synopsis.
Though with screenrants logic, you might as well just, watch the first and last episode and read random synopsis in between.
Though its silly to feel like you gotta “rush” through a show, Shows are meant to be enjoyed, even filler episodes, otherwise don’t watch.
Have you been using iplayer? I missed one of yesterday’s episodes, because I wasn’t feeling too well, and I needed to go to the shop (it was one of those “if I won’t go now, I’d end up not going moments”) lol. I thought I’d make it back in time but I ended up missing an episode.
So I might just watch that one episode on iplayer, do you have to put in bank details for it?
(I’m replying here, cause it falls in to off-Topic territory) - And that’s kinda ok on this thread 😂
I personally find this kinda stuff really annoying and offensive TBH.
It’s like people are treating TV shows like it’s some kind of tough assignment they HAVE to get through. I personally don’t find any episodes “skipable” or “absolute trash” - If I did I’d just want nothing to do with it. And if I was still interested in various stuff then surely you’d just read Wikipedia on the bits you like, you’ll get through it much faster that way.
And I don’t agree with the chart personally
Oh. Thanks. I like that they’re doubles, since the episode aren’t long especially with no adverts.
It’s a shame there’ll be no repeats, I guess i’ll have to give iplayer a go.
I wonder if their putting them all as double bills, because they got something else they want scheduled and they’re pushing S&L along to get it over with
Just over an hour @Grandpa Lo70 dont miss it 😆
I told people on the Arrowverse wiki. I wrote an announcement for season 1 and also Batwoman once before that it was coming on TV
No worries it happens. You aren’t the only one :)
And yeah. I started to see how that made sense, I didn’t think it was her at first but then the clues started to look like it was her.
But Yh that theory was way of in the end.
Oh gotcha.
So it’s like a game/tournament thing. Sounds awesome
So you like created a show? Or edited videos together?
I think it was that you had a similar issue, for me the issue sorted itself out on its own, but I still can’t use my message wall, I actually posted about it again not long ago, but I seem to be the only one with the issue.
Theories pushed aside, I don’t think so because they’re not meant to be English/Human letters, they are Kryptonian symbols. However could be simply “Traveller” since The Traveller was a big story around these episodes and season
Oh yeah, I first noticed the “A” and “K” it stood out.
I never noticed the x with the K, really before.
It could all be a creepy coincidence or a premonition, but it would be fascinating if it was an Easter egg.
I wonder if this little detail did influence S&L, it would make sense.
(When I first saw it I wondered if it influenced Mack and Raniere - I Both doubt it and hope not, but this episode made me think of it)