1. Princess of a Small Town A lot of people do not like the Mary-Sue, Princess, or Damsel in Distress Trope. But the image was created by the town as a girl they saw, a cheerleader who often did charity work, and was well-liked especially after opening the new teen-hang out in town. Although, she admits to Clark and Lex that she does not like being seen as the Cheerleader Princess in (X-Ray) (Nicodemus), but it's way people choose to see her. The character is 14-19 throughout her time on the show, and it's unfair to believe that a 100 pound teenaged girl could protect herself all of the time. Especially against much stronger males, who often have a tendency for a sexual obsession involving the character. Clark will often have to step in and save her at the end of multiple episodes in early seasons. But the kidnappings are often by people who pretend to be her friend and seem pretty harmless at the beginning. It's unfair to think that she is a willing target, or to expect her to be able to defend herself against metahumans.
2. Clex? The main reason Clark and Lex stopped being friends, or more as some fans like to imply. Although it's never shown on the show. Was not Lana. It was gradual, as since season 1 Clark began to hide his secret from his friends whenever they were approached by it and asked him. "Tempest" (Clark/Lex), "Perry" (Lex and Perry), "Commencement" (Clark and Lex). This also included his relationship with Lana. Who he thought would reject him, due to her fear of superhumans. Who throughout the show, especially in early seasons, are depicted as evil. Clark and Lex stop being friends after Lex sends criminal superhumans to attack his family and friends in the episode Mortal to see if Clark has powers. At the end of the episode they fight, and their friendship ends. Later, Lex uses his new relationship with Lana to hurt Clark, constantly mentioning a wedding or just alluding to Lana in general. Eventually Clark accepts the relationship, but still believes that Lex is bad for her. "Crimson" (Clark and Lex).
3. Clana 1st Relationship: The secret. Clark and Lana actually break up in season 3 and 5 over the secret, but both characters are heart-broken. And the breakups are led by Clark. In season 3, he says he doesn't want her to be disgusted in the "real him", she saw on red-kryptonite a couple of times before. This is a deflection of Clark's insecurities onto her. She actually doesn't know what he means by this, or the alien heritage and a common line in their relationship is as follows "You'd still be the same Clark Kent". In an episode in season 3 called Extinction, Van, a military kid tries to kill off meteor-freaks. He indirectly saves Lana. He thinks that Clark is a meteor-freak, and tells Lana he tried to kill him. This belief stays with her for years. Especially after Van implies that Clark has immunity to weapons, but a weakness in kryptonite.
"Exodus" (Clark/Lana) "Exile" (Clark takes Lana to a night club) "Phoenix" (Clark/Lana) "Extinction" (Lana is attacked at the pool) (Van tries to shoot Clark in front of Lana) "Obsession" (Adam's diary of Clark moments) "Promise" (Lana dreams of Clark saving her)
2nd (Actual) Relationship: Clark and Lana begin a relationship in Season 5, and he promises things will be different between them. The premier episode involves an alien invasion, which Lana witnesses. Clark manages to defeat the aliens, but loses his powers for a few episodes. They are able to start a happy, even physical relationship. But run into problems when he receives his powers back, and starts to pull away. He says they havn't been sleeping together because she has been too busy with school and studying. This is another deflection of Clark's insecurities, because she is studying Astronomy. Making her feel guilty for that to take attention away from the subject. Just like taking away attention from the fact that he acts like a different person sometimes and ran away all summer. Eventually they reach an understanding, and agree to slow down the relationship. But her growing interests in aliens and a possible invasion get in-between their relationship. Clark is worried, when Lana realizes that aliens could've been living on earth since they were kids, and says the topic should not be dwelled on. "Fanatic" (Clark/Lana) "Hypnotic"(Clark and Lana at the talon) "Fanatic" (Clark/Lana ending)
4. Lexana Lex and Lana begin a relationship which takes place in seasons 5 and 6. They were friends before for years. Despite being on supposed opposite sides they often share the same view points of meteor freaks and aliens being dangerous. Understandable, because most of the antagonists are such on the show. Being worried on a coming invasion they want to study the technology first without destroying it to protect earth from being taken over. She threatens to fire Dr. Groll. Lex set the whole thing up, they're happy. However, their relationship runs into problems when they realize that problems should be handled different ways. In Fallout, a scientist that works for Lex, believes that with the technology Lex could do something dangerous. Dr. Groll warns that the device could be extremely destructive and to keep it away from the Luthors. They almost break up at the end of the episode, with Lex believing the device would have been in the face of an invasion. And her disagreeing. He proposes however, when Lana discovers she is pregnant. She agrees to marry him and raise the baby. But suspicions of Lex's actions and run ins with Clark lead to problems in their engagement. The episode of choice this time is Crimson again! Yay! In short, a red-kryptonite no-inhibitions Clark kidnaps Lana, says he still loves her, proposes, and then tries to kill Lex. It was very umm.. Dramatic. Anyway at the end of the episode Lex implies he would've shot Clark if he got the chance, and that he wouldn't know what he would be capable of if she left him. It's foreshadowed that the pregnancy isn't normal at the end of this episode. Freak. Yay! A buddy from high-school, named Daniel Kim, reveals that he can move things with his mind. He's killed later this episode, after being kidnapped and experimented on at Luthorcorp. Chloe has also been kidnapped, but survives. Lex swears up and down on their kid that he had nothing to do with it. They later get divorced when it's revealed that their doctor was paid off to tell Lana she was pregnant and killed by Lex. But some fans defend Lex saying he really loves her. That disturbed me the most, his actions are not reasonable by "love".
The next season she tries to get revenge. It's however understandable, because Lex did do these things. Although this corresponds with his redemption arc, making it easy to dislike Lana here. Eventually their relationship and contact with each-other ends all together. And Lana breaks up with Clark at the end of the season to find herself and try to become a better person.
In her shoes, there's a lot of tragedy. At first the character responds by bouncing back easily at the young ages of 14 and 15. But at 16-19 she seems to be a bit more into retribution. Trauma can really change a person, but it's important to realize how these things built up over the years to change a person. Thanks for reading! If anyone wants to use this article or information feel free!