13 Votes in Poll
@Yeahsure19 I'm beginning to sound like Molly (M) from Men In Black: International, when she questions whether Men In Black should be called 'Men and Women in Black' now (I remember how many people hated that line though as women worked in MIB in a TV Show and never complained about how inclusive the agencies name were at all).
Also the 'leader guy' who replaced General Sam Lane is called Lieutenant Mitchell 'Mitch' Anderson.
I guess we could count it as Women being included because more than half of the work consists of “men” 😆
See, something about S&L isn’t all that memorable I can only remember the main characters names :/ I.e the Kent’s, Crushing’s, Lanes, mostly and Natalie and John Henry.
Compared to other shows I can name most characters without thinking.
@Yeahsure19 Correction Cushing's not Crushing's.
Auto correct :)
I have to go with Tom's version of Bizarro because he was more developed and appeared more often
@Optimusprimebumblebee "Neo Astral-X" 123 I think they both appeared the same amount of episodes (Tom's & Tyler's), but it may have been easier for Tom's to have more character development in your opinion as his episodes weren't all spewed out in a row (S & L spewed out something like six Inverse episodes in a row, before doing a flashback episode towards how he acted on his world in episode ten).
Supergirl's "Bizarro" isn't really BIZARRO ... it's a negative clone of Kara with inverse powers. Kind of looks like a zombie.
S & L's "Bizarro" is from the BIZARRO WORLD in which that Superman was a hero in his own world. In the "Real World" Bizarro's speech is opposite ... sounds like he'd be from the town of Babel lol (inside joke) but he did ultimately die a hero.
Though I'm going to have to go with T.W's Bizarro as I liked the "diamond" appearance.
@MasterWonder2407 I'm confused do you mean the town wherein Babe the film about the talking pig was set?
@Grandpa Lo70 Not "Babe" lmao
Babel... like Babylonian?
All the people couldn't speak proper/normal English or whatever language they used. It was either a curse from God because of their sins or something else
I was just referring to this because of how the "Bizarro language" was incoherent to understand.
They needed a translator for one part until the others thought about what they were saying to speak "our" language.
@MasterWonder2407 I read the L as an exclamation mark for some reason.
Also, I've only included the negative version of Kara which isn't really a Bizarro as it's listed in the images of other iterations of Bizarro on his page on this Wiki.
What do you think?