16 Votes in Poll
That's hard. I like both versions
I’m used to S&L’s Lois now, but I didn’t like her too much at first she seemed irritating to me, from when I first saw her in Elsewords episode to actually watching S&L.
But just like S&L’s Lana I am used to her now.
But I’d have to say I massively prefer Erica Durance, she embodies what I believe Lois would be like, she’s streetsmart and sassy and she literally acts like a reporter with integrity (even when she’s not working you can see it in her and all those traits) Erica as Lois also literally looks and acts like a generals daughter, she’s one of those actresses where you can see the history of the character even when they are telling the story (if you get what I mean)
Even through Lois was meant to be an after the show has ended character she was a four episode guest character who became a major character on the show or an intended new love interest that was delayed for five seasons.
@Michael.mcdonnell.7549 Yeah, and then they had her with Oliver for a while, as Clark wasn't ready to be with her yet or something until the last couple of seasons (This isn't stated in dialogue, but its what the writing makes it look like). Plus, they even made Clark seem a tad jealous of AC in Aqua as I feel as if perhaps he had a thing for Lois then, but wasn't yet ready to admit it to himself and just played it off as 'she doesn't know anything about AC, I don't know if she should trust him', when in all honesty with him eventually being with Lois, I'd say there was probably a hint of jealousy in the AC situation which he for some reason didn't even seem to have when she were dating Oliver.
At they time they were limited to what they could do with Lois due to Superman Returns being made at the same time. They probably thought once Lana was no longer the love of his life the show was over, but when Lana left after season 7 it took a different direction.
Unlike Lana Lois doesn't ask too much out of Clark and isn't terribly anxious for a man in her life.
@Michael.mcdonnell.7549 I feel as if in the limited time she knew he was The Blur she trusted him more to, whilst also being able to be loyal to him, as after Lana found out she married Lex so she could spy on him for Lionel and she later just seemed really protective of Clark in the few Season 7 episodes that she appeared in if I remember correctly.
Lois on the other hand was just a romantic version of Chloe as she trusted him to use his powers and be safe, and also save them both in a couple of episodes of Season 10, I think these were the end of Lazarus wherein he saves Lois from being hung up like a Scarecrow like he himself was in Season 1, extinguishes a fire, and stops the Daily Planet globe from falling and crushing people and Harvest wherein they get a flat tyre and he saves them both from a village of cannibals after getting his powers which he lost for the majority of the episode, back towards its end (If I remember the latter correctly). I say romantic version of Chloe, as it felt as if she had the same extreme levels of trust surrounding his usage of his powers that Chloe had ever since Season 4's Pariah when shown Clark using them to catch a car after being taken to a position wherein she could see this by his ex Alicia Baker, before discovering his secret (Season 4 she only knew he had powers) in the Season 5 premiere Arrival but waited to mention this to Clark until he were comfortable to inform her himself.
What do you think?