Who in the writers room thought that it was a good idea to make Lana and Lex a couple.
Who in the writers room thought that it was a good idea to make Lana and Lex a couple.
Idk but it’s not like it doesn’t make sense,
I’m on season 6 rn, and I saw it happening the season before they got together
Apparently everyone, it was planned since season 1. It would've been okay if it ended after Wither and Lana was like "you know what I made a mistake". There I would've been okay with that and then they're just friends again.
Or even after Fallout she could've said "You know, we're too different and there's things you would agree with and allow that I wouldn't accept as right."- See that would've been alright.
Did you guys see the "A Convo I had on Youtube" post? It was a pretty good debate. It explained the characters Lex and Lana better?
Do you like them as a couple or does it FAR too disturbing??? I think it was important to explore both of the character further, but I feel guilty afterwards.
I know it was part of the story, but I think Lana should have remained with Clark
It literally made me not feel bad for none of them because it didnt make any sense and ddint develop lana at all and it was mostly to get back at clark lets be honest
What do you think?